

It important that you are consistent with your daily or at least weekly tracking on recovery, nutrition, and training. The more details you share in the note section, the better we will be able to help you reach your goals.

It is recommended that you take pictures of your meals and posted in the nutrition tracking, or connect your “myfitnesspal” account if you are using it.

As for training, if there is an exercise that you are not sure about your form, or would like feedback please upload a video of you doing it so that we could coach you through it.

Never hesitate to ask questions, communicate through the app as much as you like. Remember to turn on the notification on your devices, for this portal/app, so that you can see our replies.



Be well, Be fit, Be you!


Let your destination be a stronger and happier self; let your inner child play on the fitness playground, change yourself to create a healthy lifestyle, and leave your troubles behind as you grow with a training program that is tailored specifically for you. Let Play2bFit guide, and motivate you along the way, and even become the best friend of your life-changing journey.

Lift soon!

Dream it.

It all begins with desire and dreams. Maybe you desire to get your old body back. Maybe you desire a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Or maybe you desire to get stronger and push the limit. Whatever it is, having a structured plan will make all the difference.

Build it.

It all begins with an open mind. Maybe you are committed to becoming better. Maybe you are ready to take the next step. Or maybe you are eager to take on the challenge. Whatever it is, your mindset of “Willing”, “Ready”, and “Able”, can make all the difference.

Grow it.

It all begins with accountability. Maybe you want to understand what works and not. Maybe you want to see what you can change in a clear timeline. Or maybe you want to make the impossible, possible. Whatever it is, tracking consistently can make all the difference in attaining results.